Tuesday, July 27, 2010

South African Hospital

I had my first and hopefully last experience in a South African hospital last night. I suddenly got really sick around dinner time and continually was getting sick until about 11:30 when they decided I should go to the hospital. I was accompanied in the waiting room by a very drunk guy around my age who had cut his head open after jumping out of a taxi (or his friends pushed him?), we couldn't really get a straight story. On the other side of me was a man who had cut his hand by accident with a knife at work, and there I was throwing up every ten minutes. The doctor examined me for a bit and decided he would give me "the injection". Ordinarily I would have asked what it was but all I knew was a boy in our group got "the injection" a couple days ago and he felt completely healed afterwards. Sure enough, after I got that shot in my butt, I began to feel better immediately. WAY TO GO AFRICAN HEALTH CARE!It was supposed to cost me 400 Rand (about $54 US Dollars) but the credit card machine was not working so I just gave her 100 Rand which was what was in my wallet and she was fine with that amount. Needless to say I am better now. Classes started today. I had Poverty and Development this morning, which I think will be a very interesting class, and I have my first Afrikaans Language class tonight. We are revisiting service sites this week and I will choose one by the end of this week!

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