Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hospital Update

I have a new focus for my capstone project at the TB hospital. The teacher is allowing me to teach a health class the last hour of the day. The first theme I decided to do is conflict resolution. Today was my first lesson and there are definitely challenges. First of all, the language barrier is frustrating. I have kids that can translate from English to Afrikaans but I do not have kids that can translate from English to Xhosa unfortunately. Those are the two languages that the children at the school speak. So the lesson was going well as I went through the steps to resolving conflicts and each child made a poster of these steps to hang in their ward and refer to. At the end I had them pair up to role play conflict scenarios and then show how they could resolve it. I assumed the scenarios would be somewhere along the lines of arguing over a toy or accusing someone of not playing fairly. Well, there were three skits. The first was about a drug deal, the second was about robbing someone on the street with a gun, and the third was about robbing a store with guns. The way they were resolved was either by punching someone in the face or shooting them .................for some reason I feel like they missed the point. The teacher just laughed and said "well this is South Africa for you!" There is always tomorrow I suppose :)

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha FAIL. per usual. but good try kato!
